Celestial means something that is positions in or relating to the sky.
The design is very dependant on the sky and the suns movement, the aim is to make the sky movement part of the spaces experience and encourage an interaction between natural light and the space.

The sky's movement with the space was studied so the design can take every opportunity to interact with it throughout the day.
Skylights and protuding forms that break the ceiling and roofs architecture were explored and experimented with.
To best get the sunlight to play into the kitchen, I decided to allow the kitchen's form to break through the roof with coloured glass closing it off at the top.
The sunlight will travel through it and cast a colourful hue to the kitchen and bar and create interesting shapes.

The suns movement is an integral part of the space, so all shapes and surface materials were chosen to best compliment the sun and the shadows it casts. I incorporated mirrors in the space so visitors can interact with the colours and shadows by standing at different angles and creating their own shapes and colours.

The inspiration of the kitchen cam from the name of the bar, Celestial, I was inspired by drawings of people getting abducted by aliens and replicated that space, The kitchen punctured the ceiling and has its own colourful skylight, creating a pleasent experience for the staff aswell.

In the journey to make every space interactive and exciting,I added something fun to an otherwise ordinary disabled bathroom stall, I created a holographic abstract box that sits below the coloured glass windows.This will cast interesting shadows along the walls and floors aswell as creating interesting reflections, further engaging visitors to interact with the space- even when doing something as mundane as using the bathroom.